Workplace Violence Policy

Purpose: Western Highways Traffic Safety maintains a zero-tolerance standard for violence in the workplace. The purpose of this policy is to provide employees with guidance to ensure that our properties and events remain free from violence and threats of violence.

Policy: Violent behavior or threats of violence, whether implied or direct, are strictly prohibited at Western Highways Traffic Safety, on our properties, or at any company-sponsored events. Such conduct by an employee will not be tolerated and may lead to criminal prosecution and disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. Non-employees who exhibit violent behavior may also face criminal prosecution. Western Highways Traffic Safety will investigate all complaints of violence or threats and will take necessary actions. Retaliation against anyone who makes a complaint regarding violent behavior or threats is also prohibited.


  • Workplace Violence: Any behavior where an employee, former employee, client, or visitor inflicts or threatens to inflict damage to property, serious harm, injury, or death to others at the workplace.
  • Threat: The implication or expression of intent to cause physical harm or actions that a reasonable person would interpret as a threat to physical safety or property.
  • Intimidation: Making others afraid or fearful through threatening behavior.
  • Zero-tolerance: A standard that establishes that any behavior, implied or actual, that violates this policy will not be tolerated.
  • Court Order: An order by a court that specifies and/or restricts the behavior of an individual, including orders related to domestic violence, stalking, or harassment.

Prohibited Behavior: Violence in the workplace includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Direct threats or physical intimidation.
  2. Implications or suggestions of violence, including “veiled threats.”
  3. Stalking.
  4. Possession of weapons of any kind on company property, including parking lots, other exterior premises, or while engaged in company activities at other locations, unless such possession or use is a job requirement.
  5. Assault of any form.
  6. Physical restraint or confinement.
  7. Dangerous or threatening horseplay.
  8. Loud, disruptive, or angry behavior or language that is clearly not part of the typical work environment.
  9. Blatant or intentional disregard for the safety or well-being of others.
  10. Commission of a violent felony or misdemeanor on company property.
  11. Any other act that a reasonable person would perceive as constituting a threat of violence.

Domestic Violence: Domestic violence can significantly impact workplace safety and productivity. For the purposes of this policy, “domestic violence” is defined as abuse committed against an adult or fully emancipated minor. Abuse includes attempts to cause bodily injury, sexual assault, threatening behavior, harassment, or stalking by someone in a close relationship with the victim, such as a spouse, domestic partner, cohabitant, or someone with whom the victim has a child.

Reporting Acts or Threats of Violence: Employees who:

  1. Are victims of violence,
  2. Believe they have been threatened with violence, or
  3. Witness an act or threat of violence towards others

shall take the following steps:

  • If an emergency exists and there is immediate danger, contact local police by dialing 9-1-1 and take necessary steps to protect yourself, such as leaving the area.
  • If the situation is not one of immediate danger, report the incident to the appropriate supervisor or manager as soon as possible and complete the Western Highways Traffic Safety Workplace Violence Incident Report Form.
  • Employees have the right to file a complaint with the police department on their own.

Procedures for Addressing Future Violence: Employees who believe they or others may be victims of a future violent act, at the workplace or as a direct result of their employment, should inform their supervisor immediately by completing a Workplace Violence Incident Report Form so appropriate action may be taken. The supervisor will inform the Department Director, the Director of Human Resources, and local law enforcement officials.

Employees who have obtained a restraining order against an individual due to a potential act of violence must provide a copy of the signed order to their supervisor immediately. The supervisor will then provide copies to the Department Director, the Director of Human Resources, and local police.

Incident Investigation: Acts of violence or threats will be investigated immediately to protect employees from danger, anxiety, and loss of productivity. The Department Director will initiate an investigation into potential violations of work rules or policies and will refer the matter to local police for review of potential violations of civil and/or criminal law.

The investigation will include:

  • Visiting the scene of the incident as soon as possible.
  • Interviewing injured and threatened employees and witnesses.
  • Examining the workplace for security risk factors associated with the incident.
  • Determining the cause of the incident.
  • Taking actions to prevent the incident from recurring.
  • Recording the findings and actions taken.

In appropriate circumstances, Western Highways Traffic Safety will inform the reporting individual of the investigation results. Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible, but disclosure may be necessary to protect individual safety. Retaliation against any employee who reports workplace violence will not be tolerated.

Mitigating Measures: Incidents that threaten employee security will be mitigated as soon as possible. Mitigating actions include:

  • Notifying law enforcement authorities when a potential criminal act has occurred.
  • Providing emergency medical care in the event of any violent act upon an employee.
  • Offering post-event trauma counseling for those employees desiring such assistance.
  • Ensuring incidents are handled according to the Workplace Violence Prevention policy.
  • Requesting that the company’s attorney file a restraining order as appropriate.

Training and Instruction: The Human Resources Department is responsible for ensuring that all employees, including managers and supervisors, receive training and instruction on general workplace security practices. Department Directors must ensure that employees, managers, and supervisors receive training and instruction specific to their job’s workplace security practices.

Training and instruction will be provided:

  • To all current employees when the policy is first implemented.
  • To all newly hired employees, supervisors, and managers, or employees given new job assignments for which specific workplace security training has not previously been provided.
  • To affected employees whenever a new or previously unrecognized hazard is identified.

Workplace security training and instruction includes, but is not limited to:

  • Preventive measures to reduce the threat of workplace violence, including procedures for reporting workplace security hazards.
  • Methods to diffuse hostile or threatening situations.
  • Escape routes.
  • Explanation of the Workplace Violence Prevention Policy.

Specific instructions will also be provided to all employees regarding workplace security hazards unique to their job assignments.