At Western Highways Traffic Safety Products, we understand that attenuators play a crucial role in protecting your work crews. When a truck-mounted attenuator (TMA) is damaged, it’s vital to get it back into operation quickly and efficiently. Our state-of-the-art repair shop and experienced mechanics are ready to restore your equipment to full functionality.

Why Choose Us for TMA Repairs?

- Authorized Scorpion® TMA Distributor: We are certified to handle all your Scorpion TMA repair needs.
- Authorized Blade® TMA Distributor: We are also certified for repairs and maintenance of Blade TMAs.
- On-site Machine Shop: Equipped with advanced tools and technology to address a wide range of repair challenges.
- Expert Mechanics, Welders, and Fabricators: Our team is skilled in repairing and fabricating parts to ensure your TMA is as good as new.
- Interim Rental Trucks & Replacement Equipment: Keep your operations running smoothly with our fleet of interim rental trucks and replacement equipment.